San Remo Primary School Enrolment Information
Please find the documents you need in order to apply to our school. If you need assistance with completing our paperwork, or if you have any other questions, please contact our office.
To make your enrolment as simple and quick as possible, please ensure you follow these steps.
In order to confirm your child’s enrolment, a confidential enrolment form must be accompanied by the following documents and submitted to the school office:
Immunisation History Statement – a copy of your can be obtained by using your Medicare online account through myGov.
Evidence of birth date – a copy of Birth Certificate and, if available, copy of Passport.
All international enrolments – a copy of your child’s birth certificate and your child’s passport
Copy of Visa status (if applicable).
Originals must be sighted
Enrolment forms will be available from the school office or via the link below.

Applications to Enrol in San Remo Primary for Prep 2025 will be available from the school office or via the link below. Prep 2025 applications are due by the 26th of July 2024.
Each year, the department releases the Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents/Carers, with information packs available from the beginning of Term 2 for students commencing foundation/prep the following year. These information packs, and other important information, can be found on the
Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) page of the Victorian Government website including information regarding the enrolment timeline procedures.
Our school zone is also available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions.
The following documents outline the parent/carer contributions at our school:
Parent Payments